ARC performs the economic (profit) study which is based on the total evaluation of the market, technical and financial sides. The technical experiments of the center in the field of market research and economic analysis are the spinal cord for this (profit) studies. “ARC ” for economic consultancy studies performs market studies in general for projects (enterprises) and products or services.
Working method in market studies:
In order to provide realistic information, the office of ARC bases itself on field research using questionnaire forms following the latest techniques and statistical programs, that are being used worldwide in this domain, for the purpose of quality or quantity analysis or both depending on the technique of study.
Part one: Market Studies
Market studies are prepared according to statistical analysis of available data where it explains a ten year marketing program of the project as well as its incomes and gaps in the product demand, studies also clears expected exports rates of the product, during projects life.
The analysis focuses on the Specifications of available products in the market to determine consuming society and thus an analysis of the consuming society’s data.
Also, it is essential to estimate the consuming society’s size and consumption , as well as the gap demand and project the shared in the gap as well as for an estimated period of time, (ten years).
Part two: Technical Studies
The analysis study focuses on the usages, specifications of the product. It explains the product’s operations and quality control requirements, as well as raw materials and availability, and the administrative and technical structure of the project
Part three: Economical Evaluation and Financial Studies
The analysis study estimates the cost of the project, fixed investment and Running capital.
Also evaluates the fixed and variable costs of production, estimates sales and annual production of annual profit, the expected production, cost of sales and marketing plan. It estimates the cash flow average inner revenue rate, equivalence point, added value rate, recuperation period and average revenue on investments.